Wow. What a dynamic comeback episode. If you think about it, everything in this episode started what is the massive chaos that has been happening in recent eps. heh. The last five minutes of this ep really sealed the deal though. Jeremy is compelled to leave - OMG! It broke my heart! *wails* DE freaking KISS! *giddy* (during the song of the CB vid I just made I might add. ;)) LOVE her 'what the heck just happened?' look at the end. XD And Damon? My oh my...what a romantic moment. That's a GREAT first kiss. *fans self* As Plec herself said, "it was Damon's cowboy moment." Amen to that. ;p But moving on...Alaric isn't completely back to normal after he saves Jeremy's life...and naturally we'll see what comes of that. *shudders* Tyler is such...GRR. I'm glad he finally got a handle on what was WRONG with him being sired to Klaus. Cause, really? How could he not get that death was a very viable option?! Jeremy was spiraling too, but it was in a different way, so...not as bad? Idk. I was irked by his attitude. Bonnie! I remembered she had a dream at the beginning b/c TSC had a dream in the beginning of their ep when they aired that same night. I remember it was such a dramatic mystery. Who or what is in that unopenable coffin?!? *gasp* Oh wait, I know already. XD Anyways, Stefan is a total jerk. I feel like he was worse last episode, but it might be more of a toss up, since this time he's not letting himself  care instead of being unable to care because he's under compulsion. *sigh* DE are so sweet together. I remember having slight issues with Damon partnering up with Stefan without telling Elena, or that he'd for sure tell her, but I've come to accept it. lol. After all, this show has proved time and time again that family beats all bonds, even the ones of true love. Rebekah is exchanged for Jeremy (who, omg, almost got hit by a speeding car! *was freaked at first seeing of this*)! that Klaus knows she knows his dirty, BIG secret, she is being kept away in her daggered death for the time being. *sigh* Oh goodness. Still though, last five minutes, completely awesome. ;D Damon-Alaric bromance ftw as well. "It's the eve of Klausageddon. You're doing homework?" "This may come as a shock, but I am not here to hang out with you." XD Love you guys.

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